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Helping Every Day at Home

Niki Esmaili & Isabel Wu, May 2021

Newsflash: climate change is real. Whether you realize it or not, our local environment has not been doing so well for the past few years, and it’s only been getting worse. As bad as it may seem, there are still a lot of ways for us to step up our game and renew our environment into the unique, thriving place it once was. It turns out that efforts to help the environment are not as difficult or complex as one may think. And luckily, we have curated a list of easy, simple things that you can do at home to remain more sustainable for the sake of our environment. 

Trees From Above

reduce water usage

You may be using way more water than you should be.  Some simple things to do at home to reduce water consumption can include: taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet when brushing teeth, fixing any faucet or pipe with leaks, only washing full loads of laundry, washing dishes in a bowl or sink filled with water rather than having the water run freely, storing rainwater for watering plants instead of using the water from your sink, etc. Little things like this can definitely lower the amount of water you use and give some back to the environment!

Buy sustainable food products

Food production is a huge cause of deforestation and the loss of wildlife. Agricultural production for meat and dairy doesn’t only cause deforestation but uses LARGE amounts of energy. Try staying away from a meat-dominated diet and buy locally or organically sourced foods. You can have Meatless Mondays, where you don’t eat any meat on a Monday!


















Support eco-friendly companies

As a consumer, you have the power to support environmentally friendly companies that use sustainable resources for their products. A lot of these companies use a portion of their profit towards environmental action. 


Stay informed 

As we are currently stuck in quarantine and all we’re doing is staying at home, we’re obviously sitting in our beds mindlessly scrolling through social media. We have all the information for virtually anything at our fingertips. Take the time to read about how the world is changing and what YOU can do about it. is a great place to begin.


Donate to the right organizations

Many organizations are working to save our planet, and preserve our rainforests and other habitats that are endangered by habitat destruction. So, do your research, and make sure to donate to a legitimate cause. Here are some organizations that we recommend:


  1. Environmental Defense Fund:

    • They’re working to provide solutions under the broad categories of climate change, oceans, wildlife and habitats, and health.

  2. The Nature Conservancy:

    • The Nature Conservancy is dedicated to protecting ecologically important lands and waters around the world.​

  3. National Resources Defense Council:

    • Their mission is to protect the air, land, water, as well as defending endangered natural places. ​

  4. American Rivers:

    • American Rivers protects wild rivers, restores damaged rivers and the wildlife they support, as well as conserving clean water for people and nature. ​

  5. Sierra Club Foundation:

    • The Sierra Club Foundation seeks to empower and educate people to protect and improve our environment, it is the fiscal sponsor of the Sierra Club’s charitable environmental programs.​


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